Hardware side of kiosk security
When it comes to kiosk security, it is important to pay attention to both hardware and software side. In this article we will present some considerations regarding hardware side of kiosk security which are important for many uses kiosks are put to.
Put kiosk in safe location
To increase kiosk security it is good to put it in a location that is busy and well lighted. You could also have an attendant nearby as an extra deterrent. Alternative to attendant is a video surveillance solution. That alone will greatly reduce number of attackers who are brave enough to try attack in person instead of trying to get in remotely. Even though video surveillance might not be able to prevent attacker from doing damage in real time, the footage can help later in apprehending the attackers. Also have in mind that a person could be employed to watch surveillance footage in real time.
Sensitive parts of kiosk should be under lock
Some parts of kiosk are more sensitive. One such example are USB ports. If an attacker can access USB ports they can run malware and hijack your kiosk. That’s why some kiosks have option to lock part of kiosk containing USB ports and similar sensitive areas.
Even though modern kiosks don’t have physical keyboards and have moved to onscreen keyboards, physical keyboard would also be one very attractive target for the attacker. For example, they could use a key combination to exit current application and start other ones to perform their attack.
Make sure that cables are enclosed and that there is no obvious way for users to connect or disconnect components through cables.
Keeping up with regular maintenance
Physical maintenance of kiosks is as important as keeping software side maintained. Check if your video surveillance is in working order and if the lens is clear. Also keep in mind if locks on kiosk are in good shape. If a lock exists, but is very easy to defeat that is not much improvement from it not being there at all.